Mikrotik PPPOE client pada koneksi ADSL/GPON, dengan modem mode = bridge

Mikrotik PPPOE client pada koneksi ADSL/GPON, dengan modem mode = bridge

Pada artikel kali ini, kita akan membuat Mikrotik PPPOE client pada koneksi ADSL/GPON, dengan modem mode = bridge. Asumsinya adalah anda telah mempunyai koneksi ADSL (contoh: tekom speedy) atau GPON (contoh: indihome) yang sudah berjalan dengan baik. bagaimana kita tahu bahwa modem kita sudah berjalan baik? lihat gambar dibawah. pada gambar ini, kita dapat melihat status koneksi WAN, dimana WAN adalah teknologi berbasis ADSL, GPON, etc. (more…)
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Understanding regex on Mikrotik RouterOS

Understanding regex on Mikrotik RouterOS

firewall, layer 7, Regex
[caption id="attachment_1076" align="alignleft" width="209"] image from www.cs.iit.edu[/caption] regex on Mikrotik RouterOS. Regex means regular expression. Is a feature / function to create pattern matcher. because of that capability regex is mostly used on Firewall, routing filter, and anything that is related to pattern matching. So our main job here is to create a pattern and regex has its own symbols to define a pattern. one good page that explains list of regex pattern matcher can be found here. (more…)
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Tips dan trik agar cepat menguasai jaringan

Tips dan trik agar cepat menguasai jaringan

Jadi, ada yang tanya ke penulis, bagaimana Tips dan trik agar cepat menguasai jaringan? sang penanya adalah seorang pelajar universitas yang dulu pernah hadir ke acara kampusnya dimana saya sebagai pembicara. Dalam acara seminar tersebut, saya bercerita pengalaman saya berkarir di dunia IT dan telekomunikasi dimana merantau sampai ke beberapa benua (kecuali amerika). lihat: https://id.linkedin.com/in/achmadmardiansyah. (more…)
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Apakah bandwidth meningkat setelah terkoneksi dengan multi ISP

load balancing
Artikel ini masih berbicara tentang koneksi multi ISP. Jadi, untuk alasan performance dan reliability koneksi, banyak organisasi yang berlangganan 2 atau lebih ISP. Bagi mereka bekerja tanpa terkoneksi dengan internet adalah seperti ikan tanpa air, hehehe :-p. nah pertanyaan yang sering muncul adalah, "apakah bandwidth meningkat setelah terkoneksi dengan multi ISP ?". jadi, ketika kita berlangganan ISP 1 sebesar 5 mbps, dan ISP 2 sebesar 5 mbps juga, maka datarate download kita akan menjadi 5 + 5 = 10 mbps? apakah benar demikian? untuk membahasnya lihat gambar topologi dibawah ini (more…)
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apa itu PCC?

load balancing
Masih terkait dengan dengan load balancing, kali ini kita akan membahas lebih detil tentang apa itu PCC. Apa itu PCC? PCC adalah feature untuk mentracking (melacak) koneksi yang lalu-lalang melewati router berdasarkan kriteria tertentu. fasilitas ini berada dalam menu ip firewall khususnya table mangle. PCC digunakan untuk load balancing dimana kita menggabungkan 2 atau lebih ISP. Dengan kata lain, jika berbicara PCC, hampir dapat dipastikan kita memiliki multi koneksi. apa istimewanya PCC? di PCC kita dapat melakukan tracking connection berdasarkan kriteria tertentu (misal: kombinasi dari source-ip, destination-ip, both-ip, dan port) dan memasukanya ke dalam group yang kemudian dipakai untuk load balancing. Jadi PCC ini adalah tool untuk melakukan marking connection. (more…)
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menggabungkan 2 isp ke dalam 1 routerboard

load balancing
Pada project kali ini, klien kami mempunyai request untuk menggabungkan 2 isp ke dalam 1 routerboard. Berbeda dengan kasus sebelumnya yang relatif mudah karena menggunakan protokol BGP dan seluruhnya menggunakan IP public, kasus ini cukup menantang karena kedua ISP tersebut memberikan IP publik point-to-point sementara komputer klien menggunakan IP private sehingga ketika mengakses internet maka router perlu melakukan NAT untuk mentranslasikan IP private ke IP public. Agar lebih jelas dalam memahami kondisi jaringan, kita memerlukan gambar topologi jaringan yang dapat dilihat pada gambar di bawah: Jadi, rencana implementasi teknisnya adalah: (more…)
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Connecting 2 remote places using wireless bridge

Connecting 2 remote places using wireless bridge

point to multi-point, point to point, wireless
So, somebody asked me about a topic about "connecting 2 remote places using wireless bridge". so he has 2 rooms (or office) separated by a road, each location already has its own network, and then the plan is to connect them. as simple as that. lets make this process to be systematic and logical way. first of all, we need to gather requirements and current condition. here are the check lists: Current conditions both sites have computer network already running, and both network use network id of both sites is separated by a road and the distance is around 30 meters both are located in second floor Requirements: to connect both sites using wireless connect using mikrotik devices if possible, donot change the current configuration max traffic between 2 sites can…
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Setup mikrotik bridge

Setup mikrotik bridge

bridge, layer 2
This article will give an example of how to setup mikrotik bridge on routerboard. this technique can be applied on mikrotik devices that has more than one interfaces. Before implementing this tutorial, make sure you understand how switch works. ok lets start. prerequisite Make sure feature bridge is supported on your routerOS your device has more than one interface routerboard is looks like a switch, why do we need to make a bridge? can we just plug a cable on and it works like ordinary switch? did you know that on each interface of your routerboard there is a MAC address associated with it? yes, on each port/interface. why on each port? because routerboard is basically a router, and router is connecting networks, and each interface will connect to a network,…
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Simplex, half-duplex, full-duplex

Simplex, half-duplex, full-duplex

When we talk about communication, there are always 2 parties involved: TX (transmitter, the one who send signal/information) and RX (receiver, the one who receive signal/information). Simplex, half-duplex, full-duplex. In this article, we will be discussing about types of communication between TX and RX. they are: simplex, half-duplex, full-duplex. these terms are fundamental terminologies which network / telco engineers need to know. Between TX and RX there is a media that is used to deliver signal. channel could be physical or logical, could be wired or wireless. this media later on is called communication channel. Simplex means one way communication. this happens because the communication channel is only used by TX and RX is the passive side which only receive information. example: broadcast radio/tv, streaming. (more…)
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How packets travel over network by using Layer 2 and 3 information

How packets travel over network by using Layer 2 and 3 information

layer 2, Layer 3
How packets travel over network by using Layer 2 and 3 information. This is a class-based course about Networking. In this session we were discussing how packets travel on the network using layer 2 (data link) and layer 3 (network) information. We decided to explain the concept using simulation, asking a volunteer from students  to become a packet that travels over network. On his front, we put "headers" information (layer 2 and 3) so router can use that information to forward the packet to destination. (more…)
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