Why don’t you build your own ISP (Internet Service Provider)

Why don’t you build your own ISP (Internet Service Provider)

internet, ISP, tips
In the previous article, we know that the internet cost is actually free, because we just connect to each other at the IXP. However, many internet users are living far from the IXP, which means there is a business opportunity that offers connection from user's devices to the IXP. This kind of company that offer "internet connection" later in is called Internet Service Provider or ISP. In this article, we discuss "why dont you just build your own ISP", get connection to the internet and share it to users with price. (more…)
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Cara copy tabel arp ke excel

Cara copy tabel arp ke excel

Cara copy tabel arp ke excel. Jadi, ada yang tanya ke saya tentang cara copy tabel arp ke excel, “Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb pak, cara copy data di mikrotik ke excel gimana pak. Rizal mau mindahan data di arp ke excel pak?” di mikrotik, kita dapat melihat tabel ARP ini dengan mudah melalui tool winbox, dan outputnya memang sudah dalam bentuk tabel. nah pernyataannya gimana caranya untuk copy tabel ini ke software lain (ms excel misalnya)? (more…)
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Tips dan trik agar cepat menguasai jaringan

Tips dan trik agar cepat menguasai jaringan

Jadi, ada yang tanya ke penulis, bagaimana Tips dan trik agar cepat menguasai jaringan? sang penanya adalah seorang pelajar universitas yang dulu pernah hadir ke acara kampusnya dimana saya sebagai pembicara. Dalam acara seminar tersebut, saya bercerita pengalaman saya berkarir di dunia IT dan telekomunikasi dimana merantau sampai ke beberapa benua (kecuali amerika). lihat: https://id.linkedin.com/in/achmadmardiansyah. (more…)
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Simplex, half-duplex, full-duplex

Simplex, half-duplex, full-duplex

When we talk about communication, there are always 2 parties involved: TX (transmitter, the one who send signal/information) and RX (receiver, the one who receive signal/information). Simplex, half-duplex, full-duplex. In this article, we will be discussing about types of communication between TX and RX. they are: simplex, half-duplex, full-duplex. these terms are fundamental terminologies which network / telco engineers need to know. Between TX and RX there is a media that is used to deliver signal. channel could be physical or logical, could be wired or wireless. this media later on is called communication channel. Simplex means one way communication. this happens because the communication channel is only used by TX and RX is the passive side which only receive information. example: broadcast radio/tv, streaming. (more…)
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