Differences between physical and logical topology

Differences between physical and logical topology

layer 1, layer 2, logical topology, physical topology
When you read this and this articles, there is a term called topology. For those who are not familiar with the term, this article will discuss about the Differences between physical and logical topology? What is physical topology? Physical topology means how the network is shaped physically. Some examples of physical topology? bus star, extended star ring dual ring topology (for redundancy, in case if one ring is broken) cellular (more…)
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What is ethernet 10baseT, 100baseT, XXbaseYY?

What is ethernet 10baseT, 100baseT, XXbaseYY?

layer 2, twisted pair ethernet
Well, we used coaxial ethernet already in our house and it was cool :-) can now sharing file, printer, and even do voice communication using netmeeting :-p.(What is ethernet 10baseT, 100baseT, XXbaseYY) Unfortunately, by the time goes we see that the coaxial network is not reliable as we expect. the biggest issue for coaxial ethernet was the time required to troubleshoot the problem. often happens many times the connectors were not properly installed due to many reasons, computers were kicked, the lid was not tight, computers were accidently shaked and so the LAN card, etc.  (more…)
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Coaxial ethernet, 10base2 or 10base5

Coaxial ethernet, 10base2 or 10base5

coaxial ethernet, layer 2
Somebody was asking me about coaxial ethernet after reading this article. how is it looks like? Coaxial ethernet, 10base2 or 10base5. How did you learn networking? well, i started to learn networking in the late 1990s in a campus in Bandung, along with my first introduction to Linux. At that time, windows 98 used to be the common operating system that many people use. Networked computer already installed in some rooms, although many students were still using 3.5" floppydisk to copy their files. Flashdisk was a luxury item with the capacity that makes people's today is laughing out loud, 32 MB !!! :-D Laptops were still expensive goods, only some people have it, usually the VIPs :-p. Note: most of the laptops have no LAN card. that means you need to…
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Understanding how switch works

Understanding how switch works

bridge, layer 2, switch
In this article, we will talk about understanding how switch works or bridge. This is a basic knowledge that network engineer must know. This is so basic where if you failed to understand this you will be having difficulties when doing troubleshooting problem in your network, especially related to this devices. So, what is (ethernet) switch / bridge? switch is a layer 2 device that is used as concentrator (central point) to connects other wired devices that is use ethernet technology. any picture of ethernet switch? see picture above how it connects devices? the picture below explains how devices communicate each other through a concentrator (switch). [caption id="attachment_300" align="alignnone" width="300"] image from www.thaigoodview.com[/caption] (more…)
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Mengurangi menyebaran wannacry dengan Mikrotik routerOS

Mengurangi menyebaran wannacry dengan Mikrotik routerOS

firewall, malware, ransomware, security
Jadi pada tanggal 12 mei lalu, ada sebuah malware / ransomware bernama wannacry yang telah menginfeksi ribuan komputer yang terinstall sistem operasi windows diseluruh dunia. kali ini, kita akan bahas mengurangi menyebaran wannacry dengan Mikrotik routerOS. namanya lucu juga ya, wannacry (artinya mau menangis, karena korban bakal nangis-nangis ketika datanya hilang, :-p). tapi nama ini bisa juga berarti wannacrypt, yang artinya akan mengenkripsi data kita, dimana cara kerjanya memang seperti ini. Dari penjelasan di website microsoft (https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/ms17-010.aspx), malware wannacry ini menyebar cepat menginfeksi komputer lain melalui vulnerability (kelemahan) pada protocol SMB yang digunakan microsoft windows untuk layanan file sharing. jadi bagi teman-teman yang menggunakan operating system lain seperti linux, BSD, solaris, MacOS, tidak perlu khawatir. mengurangi menyebaran wannacry dengan Mikrotik routerOS. (more…)
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