
This website is created as a journal to write stories about mikrotik implementation and a collection of tips to make your network better. Even though the website name is mikrotik.tips, and Mikrotik is the main topic of many articles here, we also discuss other vendors too, as we realise customers are more concerned with reliability and interoperability.


Latest blogs

Common mistake on mikrotik configuration: forgot to use netmask
August 6, 2020
Common mistake on mikrotik configuration: forgot to use netmask. This mistake often made by those who are new to Mikrotik RouterOS. If no mask provided, then Ro...
Combining 8 ISPs with a single mikrotik device
November 8, 2019
Hello all, this time, we would like to share our project of combining 8 ISPs with a single Mikrotik device. So, our client already subscribes to internet connec...
June 2019, MUM Kuala Lumpur, Troubleshooting load balancing
June 14, 2019
GLC networks participated on Mikrotik User Meeting (MUM) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on June 12, 2019. Recorded presentation is available on youtube below: ...
Observing the DDOS/probing attack with Mikrotik device
January 9, 2019
We got a question from students, how the DDOS attack looks like? are they similar to probing attack? In this article, we will talk about it and monitor the atta...

Contact Us

  • Contact us on the detail given below

  • Address: Jalan Batik Kumeli no. 7
  • Phone: +62 817278847
  • Email: contact@glcnetworks.com
  • Website: http://www.glcnetworks.com